MEG Nord 2019 is sponsored by main sponsors MEGIN York Instruments and BESA

Finding your ways in MEG Nord

Map & directions page

University of Jyväskylä - Campus map (select building: Ruusupuisto/Agora)


Travelling to Jyväskylä

Please check the links below for travel tips. Note in particular that there is a limited number of daily flights to Jyväskylä, and there is currently no public transport from the airport apart from taxis. Ordering a taxi in advance is recommended (tel. +358 100 6900, https://jytaksi.fi/en/). 

There are plenty of daily train connections from the Helsinki airport to Jyväskylä town center (https://www.vr.fi).


Getting to Jyväskylä

Visit Jyväskylä

If you need an invitation from organizers, please send e-mail to 2019@megnord.org. If you need invitation for visa, please add your full name, address, date of birth, passport number and duration of the visit.

Welcome to MEG Nord 2019!

For questions, email: 2019@megnord.org

MEG Nord 2019 is organized over three days, a workshop day on May 8th and conference days 9-10th in Jyväskylä, Finland.

The program for the meeting can be found here.

Use the drop-down menu under "2019" to access all sub-pages.