Welcome to MEG Nord 2024!
MEG NORD will take place between 27-28 May, 2024, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
About MEG Nord
On behalf of University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology, we welcome you to the th 7th Nordic MEG conference (MEG Nord 2024). MEG Nord is a meeting dedicated to the development of MEG research, technology and clinical applications in Northern Europe and the Nordic countries.
The MEG Nord meeting is characterized by site presentations from all the participating Nordic MEG sites. In addition, we hope to see an excellent collection of posters presenting the research taking place at the different sites.
We welcome submissions from all fields of MEG research and development, and from fields that are of particular interest to MEG researchers, for example related to TMS/EEG development and applications.
Extended registration deadline: April 24th, 2024.
Program can be found here.
Warmly welcome!
There are travel grants (up to 500€) available for early career researchers to attend the conference. For more information, check here.
RunAn, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
University of Gothenburg
Chalmers University of Technology